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Mercy Health Opens Heart Valve Clinic at St. E's
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio -- Mercy Health Youngstown, formerly Humility of Mary Health Partners, recently opened a heart valve clinic at St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital.
The clinic, on the first floor of the hospital and easily accessible from its main entrance, was developed after a review of echocardiograms suggested that a high percentage of patients in the Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana counties have severe valvular heart disease.
“This multidisciplinary team brings together cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons to evaluate each patient and collaboratively develop individual treatment plans best suited to meet the needs and provide the best outcomes for every patient,” said Mariann Pacak, director of heart and vascular services at St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital, in a prepared statement. “By encouraging discussions between cardiologists and surgeons, patients with complex valvular disease can be thoroughly assessed for the appropriate treatment.”
Now, when echocardiographic findings indicate that a patient has severe valvular heart disease -- as defined by American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association guidelines -- the echo technician immediately notifies the interpreting cardiologist and valve clinic coordinator. The valve clinic coordinator then works with the primary care physician and interpreting cardiologist to coordinate additional diagnostic testing and consultation. Once the specialists have identified treatment recommendations, findings and recommendations are shared with the patient’s primary care providers.
Published by The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.
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